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BIOrdinary Summer School 2023

The BIOrdinary Summer School 2023 took place in Norberg, a municipality in Bergslagen, Sweden with a landscape shaped by a history of mining and forestry. The Summer School brought together different participants learn more about how these social and ecological processes have affected and continuously shape biodiversity in ordinary places.

Here are some photos of our days in Norberg:

Participants exploring a historical mining landscape
Reminders of the forest fire outside of Norberg in 2014

Carl-Gustaf Thulin teaches us about reading a clear-cut landscape

A lone tree stands after the forest fires

Discussing the proposed re-introduction of bison in Sweden
Exploring an open-air mining museum
Our researchers learning to practice the "arts of noticing"
During lectures, we were surrounded by art in the Galleri Norberg
Our intrepid team member even tried gathering some fresh food

If you are curious about the Summer School, you can read our program for the three days:

BIOrdinary Summer School Full Program 2023
Download PDF • 13.44MB

We also have produced a report about the activities:

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Department of Social Anthropology, Stockholm University

Universitetsvägen 10B
106 91 Stockholm, Sweden

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